Yesterday morning, the following words were spoken, “No, that is not a blizzard. That is merely a snow burp. And no, the university never closes for anything!”

Famous last words.

Because by mid-afternoon, everyone got an email that school was suspended for the rest of the day because of this –

outside building

Outside our office. Piles of snow. Lots of snow. There was also this piece of news

ERIE, Pennsylvania (AP) — About 50 vehicles — including an ambulance carrying patients — piled up in a chain-reaction crash on a snowy interstate Thursday, killing one person, officials said.

So I trudge home in the snow. Ahhhh….snow. So white, so fluffly, so light and airy and fun. What they don’t tell you is that when it snows this much and the roads don’t get plowed right away, snow very quickly turns into an icky, muddy, slippery pile of slush. Also, wind chill sucks. Anyway, I come home to a freezing apartment. Turns out the heat is out at our apartment building. Lovely. Also uh-oh.


That outfit is pretty much what I wore to bed. At least, the handknits are getting a lot of wear. I did manage to take my shoes off long enough to snap a picture of my latest project –


The beginnings of Conwy socks from Nancy Bush’ Knitting on the Road. On Louet Gems Opal in a super bright shade of hot pink. Because I’m already dreaming of spring.